
Hi everyone…

All I can say is that it’s good to be back.  How has everyone been?  Thank you all so much for continuing to stop by to even check to see what was going on.  The few times I was able to check I was amazed to see the numbers still high.  I’m really humbled…

I had a bump in the road, but, thankfully, things are smoothing out.  Now, it’s a challenge to remember even how to post, let alone how to add to the new web site and it’s blog.  It may take just a bit to fully get back up to speed, but I’m going to try.  Today’s piece comes from the brutal winter that has attacked us this year in the Midwest.  I know it’s a barn.  But it’s new work, so I’ll take it.

Shelter… You can see it large here: Flickr  (It’s really long so it’s posting tiny, I apologize.)

Wishing you all a wonderful Friday…


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